6 Training Sessions | 1200 Skill Coins | Sprint-Based Live Classes | Bootcamp

Sales Professional

Become a Sales Pro: Strategy, Client Relationships, and Trust Mastery in One Sprint

Bootcamp | 1 day in-person training | 27th February | 9.00 - 17.30 GMT


Elevate Your Sales Game

The Sales Professional Sprint teaches SDRs, Sales Executives, and Sales Managers how to develop product knowledge, build client relationships, and master the trust process. With engaging exercises, participants emerge with a deep understanding of sales strategy, objection handling, and becoming a trusted advisor.

What you'll learn

  • Understand key sales theories, strategies, and best practices for effective sales outcomes.
  • Identify and engage with external stakeholders, managing relationships for optimal sales results.
  • Conduct thorough discovery conversations to uncover customer needs, motivations, and challenges.
  • Deliver persuasive sales presentations, tailor messages, address objections, and use storytelling for impactful communication.
  • Manage pipelines, track opportunities, and leverage CRM systems for streamlined workflows and successful outcomes.

  • Collaborate effectively with internal teams, resolve conflicts, and ensure smooth handoffs for maximized sales efficiency.
  • Exhibit active communication skills, both verbal and written, fostering collaborative relationships with stakeholders.
  • Address and overcome objections during the sales process using effective strategies.
  • Contribute actively to the review, sharing insights and knowledge gained during the sprint.
  • Apply acquired knowledge and skills for continuous improvement, contributing to personal and organizational growth in sales management.

Who this sprint is for?

This programme is designed for anyone looking to develop sound knowledge in sales skills. Highly recommended for:

Sales Professionals

Recommended for SDRs, Business Development Representatives, Account Managers, CSM teams and Marketing professionals.

EVO Teams

For EVO teams, and those working in early-stage start-ups, focused on Go-To-Market, Lead Generation, Sales and Marketing.

RedTeam Universe

Skills you'll gain: Communication | Sales Process Engineering | Sales Process Development | Sales Strategy | Stakeholder Management | Process Development | Process Improvement | Customer Experience | Customer Relationship | Market Research | Sales | Selling Strategies | Persuasion | Communication Techniques

RedTeam Worlds you'll navigate: Communication and Leadership | Scaling Up | Achieving Product Market Fit

Circles of Competencies you'll train on: Building a Sales Machine | Improving Your Sales Machine | Stakeholder Management | Refining Solutions with Customers | Learning to Negotiate

Sprint Overview

01 Sales Theory

In this session, we will lay the foundation for effective sales by exploring key sales theories, strategies, and best practices. You will learn about different sales approaches, such as consultative selling and relationship building, and understand how to adapt them to various customer interactions. We'll discuss essential sales skills, such as effective communication, active listening, and objection handling. By the end of this session, you will have a solid understanding of the fundamental principles that drive successful sales outcomes.

Skills gained: Sales, Selling Strategies, Communication, Sales Process Engineering, Sales Process Development, Sales Strategy

02 External Stakeholder and Process Management

Successful sales rely on building and managing relationships with external stakeholders. In this session, we will delve into strategies for engaging with customers, prospects, and partners throughout the sales process. You will learn how to identify and target key decision-makers, establish rapport, and navigate complex sales cycles. We'll also discuss techniques for managing sales pipelines, tracking opportunities, and leveraging CRM systems to streamline your sales workflow. By the end of this session, you will be equipped with the skills to effectively manage external stakeholders and optimize your sales processes.

Skills gained: Stakeholder Management, Sales Process Development, Process Development, Process Improvement, Sales Process Engineering

03 Discovery Stage

The discovery stage is a crucial phase in the sales process, where you uncover customer needs and pain points. In this session, we will explore techniques for conducting effective discovery conversations and needs assessments. You will learn how to ask probing questions, actively listen, and uncover valuable insights to tailor your sales approach. We'll discuss strategies for understanding customer motivations, challenges, and desired outcomes. By the end of this session, you will be equipped with the skills to conduct thorough discovery sessions that set the foundation for successful sales engagements.

Skills gained: Customer Experience, Customer Relationship, Market Research, Sales

04 Pitch/Demo Stage

Delivering compelling pitches and demos is essential for winning over potential customers. In this session, we will focus on techniques for creating persuasive sales presentations and demonstrations. You will learn how to effectively communicate the value proposition of your products or services, tailor your message to different audiences, and address customer objections. We'll explore storytelling techniques, presentation skills, and the use of visuals to engage and captivate your audience. By the end of this session, you will be able to deliver impactful and memorable pitches and demos that drive successful sales outcomes.

Skills gained: Selling Strategies, Persuasion, Communication Techniques

05 Internal Stakeholder and Process Management

Sales success also relies on effective internal stakeholder management and collaboration. In this session, we will delve into strategies for aligning with cross-functional teams, such as marketing, product, and customer success. You will learn how to communicate effectively with internal stakeholders, leverage resources and support, and navigate internal processes to drive sales efficiency. We'll discuss strategies for fostering collaboration, resolving conflicts, and ensuring a smooth handoff between teams. By the end of this session, you will have the skills to effectively manage internal stakeholders and optimize internal processes to maximize sales outcomes.

Skills gained: Stakeholder Management, Process Development, Sales Process Development, Process Improvement, Communications Management

06 After Action Review

Our after-action review will be key to making sure that all learnings and knowledge acquired during this sales professional sprint are applied in full. We encourage everyone to contribute to this review so that we can ensure each individual takes full advantage of the opportunities they have had throughout the training! By having a frank discussion, we will be able to make sure that each person leaves the sprint with new insights, ideas, and valuable know-how that can be applied within their area of work.

Let's Get Training!


Intense, dynamic and immersive sessions for rapid skill enhancement.

  • Date: Tuesday, 27th February
  • Time: 9.00 - 17.30 GMT
  • Skill Coins: 1200